
Never allow an object to be constructed unless it's correct.

%3aAbuilderBuildera->builder builder.with_a(a)     bBb->builder builder.with_b(b)     cCc->builder builder.with_c(c)     dDbuilder->d


  • Collects multiple values, then maps them into a single validated value in a build() method.
  • Avoids partial objects – don't allow yourself to have an instance of the target type unless it is correct.

Example: Data where intValue must be greater than byteValue.

Switch from:

public class Data {
    private final byte byteValue;
    private final int intValue;
    private final Optional<String> stringValue;

    public Data(byte byteValue, int intValue, Optional<String> stringValue) {
        this.byteValue = byteValue;
        this.intValue = intValue;
        this.stringValue = stringValue;

    // ..

// Usage
Data data = new Data(0, 1, Optional.empty());


public class Data {
    private final byte byteValue;
    private final int intValue;
    private final Optional<String> stringValue;

    // Package private to allow builder class access.
    Data(byte byteValue, int intValue, Optional<String> stringValue) {
        this.byteValue = byteValue;
        this.intValue = intValue;
        this.stringValue = stringValue;

    // ..

public class DataBuilder {
    private final Optional<Byte> byteValue;
    private final Optional<Integer> intValue;
    private final Optional<String> stringValue;

    // Constructor
    // either:

    public DataBuilder() {
        this.byteValue = Optional.empty();
        this.integerValue = Optional.empty();
        this.stringValue = Optional.empty();

    // or

    public DataBuilder(byte byteValue, int intValue) {
        this.byteValue = Optional.of((Byte) byteValue);
        this.integerValue = Optional.of((Integer) intValue);
        this.stringValue = Optional.empty();

    // Append additional values.

    public DataBuilder withByteValue(byte byteValue) {
        this.byteValue = Optional.of(byteValue);
        return this;

    public DataBuilder withIntValue(int intValue) {
        this.intValue = Optional.of((Integer) intValue);
        return this;

    public DataBuilder withStringValue(String stringValue) {
        this.stringValue = Optional.of(stringValue);
        return this;

    public Data build() throws IncompatibleValuesException {
        // Default the byteValue and intValue
        byte byteValue = this.byteValue

        int intValue = this.intValue
                .orElse((int) byteValue + 1)

        if (intValue < (int) byteValue) {
            throw new IncompatibleValuesException(
                    "intValue must not be smaller than byteValue.");

        return new Data(byteValue, intValue, this.stringValue());

    // ..

// Usage
Data data = new DataBuilder()
    .withByteValue(123)       // allows method chaining
    .build();                 // enforces constraints
                              // so any error is raised here

Bug Variants Addressed

  • 1: Raises an error1 at the point of building.
  • 2: Reduces provider code working with invalid input, because only valid input reaches the business logic.
  • 4: Only allow groupings of valid values in the constructed type.
  • 6: Constrains input to a range of safe values.

1 It is not a bug to raise an error.