

  • Any memory accessed by Web Workers is in the SharedArrayBuffer.
  • AudioBuffer::copyToChannel must be given owned memory.
  • Cloning the memory – whether in Rust or JS – then calling audio_buffer.copy_to_channel in Rust still goes through a SharedArrayBuffer.
  • Workaround: pass both the AudioBuffer and the bytes to JS, clone the memory, then call audioBuffer.copyToChannel in JS.
  • WASM: The user needs to interact with the page for audio to play.
  • Github issue(s): amethyst#2195


  1. 🎵 You want to play music.
  2. 🎶 You send music to the audio buffer.
  3. 🔊 Music plays.


  1. 🎵 You want to play music.

  2. 📜 You change your build script so Workers can be initialized without a browser AudioContext.

    // Before
    const lAudioContext = (
        typeof AudioContext !== 'undefined' ?
        AudioContext :
    // After
    const lAudioContext = (
        typeof AudioContext !== 'undefined' ?
        AudioContext :
            typeof webkitAudioContext !== 'undefined' ?
            webkitAudioContext :
  3. 📨 You send the AudioBuffer and the audio byte array (accessed through SharedArrayBuffer) to JS.

    extern "C" {
        fn copy_audio_buffer(dest: &AudioBuffer, src: &[f32], channel: i32);
  4. 📋 You clone the data.

    There are 5 ways to "copy" data. Only one truely clones:

    function make_standalone(src) {
        // These don't clone the data.
        var standalone = Float32Array.from(src);
        var standalone = new Float32Array(src);
        var standalone = src.slice();
        var standalone = ArrayBuffer.transfer(src);
        // This one does.
        var standalone = [...src];
        return standalone;
  5. 🎶 You send music to the audio buffer.

    function copy_audio_buffer(dest, src, channel) {
        // Turn the array view into owned memory.
        var standalone = [...src];
        // Make it a Float32Array.
        var buffer = new Float32Array(standalone);
        // Copy the data.
        dest.copyToChannel(buffer, channel);
  6. 🔇 Nothing plays, because you need a user interaction.

  7. 🖱️ You make the user click the canvas.

  8. 🔊 Music plays.. ..when the main thread returns.