Path Handling

How exhaustive code path coverage is, and how each path is handled.

%3cluster_acluster_bcluster_ccluster_da_text📤  Upload Appaaa_error_0❌ DNS Resolve Faila->a_error_0a_error_1❌ TCP Connect Faila->a_error_1a_error_2❌ Not Authorizeda->a_error_2a_error_3❌ Local File Non-Existenta->a_error_3a_error_4❌ Disconnected during uploada->a_error_4a_error_5❌ Insufficient Disk Spacea->a_error_5a_warn_0⚠️ Remote File Existsa->a_warn_0a_success_0✅ Uploadeda->a_success_0bba_warn_0->ba_success_0->bb_text🛢️  Create DBb_error_0❌ DNS Resolve Failb->b_error_0b_error_1❌ TCP Connect Failb->b_error_1b_error_2❌ Credentials Invalidb->b_error_2b_error_3❌ Insufficient Privilegesb->b_error_3b_error_4❌ Invalid Character in DB Nameb->b_error_4b_warn_0⚠️ Remote DB Existsb->b_warn_0b_success_0✅ DB Createdb->b_success_0b_success_1✅ Shared DB Reusedb->b_success_1ccb_warn_0->cb_success_0->cb_success_1->cc_text📥  Download Appc_error_0❌ DNS Resolve Failc->c_error_0c_error_1❌ TCP Connect Failc->c_error_1c_error_2❌ Not Authorizedc->c_error_2c_error_3❌ Remote File Non-Existentc->c_error_3c_error_4❌ Disconnected during downloadc->c_error_4c_error_5❌ Insufficient Disk Spacec->c_error_5c_warn_0⚠️ Local File Existsc->c_warn_0c_success_0✅ Downloadedc->c_success_0d..c_warn_0->dc_success_0->d

Maturity Levels

%3c_text📥  Download Appcc
Happy Path only
%3c_text📥  Download Appccc_success✅ Downloadedc->c_successc_unknown⁉️ Unknownc->c_unknown
  1. If it works, it works.
  2. If it fails, it might crash, it might carry on with a bad value.
code snippets


#! /bin/bash
curl -o

# Much better with:
# set -euo pipefail


void AppDownload()
    var webClient = new WebClient();
    webClient.DownloadFile("", "");

In Rust:

fn app_download() {
    let bytes = reqwest::blocking::get("")

    let mut file = File::create("").unwrap();

Model Attributes

  • Fast to implement / test how things should work.
  • Maintenance cost scales quickly with usage.
  • Difficult (costly) to diagnose failure (no logic to reply with failure information).
It worked vs it didn't

Similar to "happy path only", but treat all errors the same.

To the user, this is similar to happy path only, but in code, there is effort to capture whether something worked vs it did not work.

%3c_text📥  Download Appccc_success✅ Downloadedc->c_successc_error❌ ErrorArgumentNullWebExceptionNotSupportedc->c_error
code snippets


void AppDownload()
    var webClient = new WebClient();

    try { webClient.DownloadFile("", ""); }
    catch (Exception e)
        throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Failed to download", e);


fn app_download() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let bytes = reqwest::blocking::get("")?.bytes()?;

    let mut file = File::create("")?;

Model Attributes

  • Medium effort to implement / test how things should work.
  • Maintenance cost still scales quickly with usage.
  • May be difficul to diagnose failure (failure information is not suitable to pass across systems – not strongly typed).
99% complete1 handling

Every code path is handled; same treatment of two code paths is intentional.

%3c_text📥  Download Appccc_error_0❌ DNS Resolve Failc->c_error_0c_error_1❌ TCP Connect Failc->c_error_1c_error_2❌ Not Authorizedc->c_error_2c_error_3❌ Remote File Non-Existentc->c_error_3c_error_4❌ Disconnected during downloadc->c_error_4c_error_5❌ Insufficient Disk Spacec->c_error_5c_warn_0⚠️ Local File Existsc->c_warn_0c_success_0✅ Downloadedc->c_success_0

Every error has its own type, so at compile time you know exactly what case you are handling.

Rust supports you by having sum types and exhaustive pattern matching.

code snippets


void AppDownload()
    var webClient = new WebClient();
    var download_failed = new System.InvalidOperationException("Failed to download", e);

    try { webClient.DownloadFile("", ""); }
    catch (ArgumentNullException e) { throw download_failed; }
    catch (WebException e)          { throw download_failed; }
    catch (NotSupportedException e) { throw download_failed; }


enum Error {

fn app_download() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let bytes = reqwest::blocking::get("")

    let mut file = File::create("").map_err(Error::AppCreateFile)?;

Model Attributes

  • Highest effort to implement.
  • Maintenance cost scales slowly with usage.
  • Easier to diagnose failure as the error should indicate the exact point in the sequence of events where the failure occurs.

1 99% because we aren't handling running out of memory, or the power went out

API Implications

  • Any possible failing functions must return Result.
  • So, the return type of consumer-implemented functions must be type parameterized.
  • Handle interrupts and stop gracefully.

choochoo constrains users to provide srcerr:SourceError<E>, which requires users to implement:

  • Strongly typed error codes.
  • Provide the error information that codespan-reporting can consume.


Arguably the most important dimension for robustness – ensuring that a system is not left in an unknown / unrecoverable state.

Live Demo

  • Artifact server:

    mkdir /tmp/server && cd /tmp/server
    simple-http-server --nocache -u --ip --port 8000 -l 100000000
  • Build agent:

    mkdir -p /tmp/choochoo/demo/station_a/ && cd /tmp/choochoo/demo/station_a/
    for i in {1..200000}; do printf "application contents $i"; done | gzip -f >
    rm -rf /tmp/choochoo/demo/station_{b,c,d,e,f,g,h} /tmp/server/
  • choochoo:

    time ./target/release/examples/demo


  • Happy Path.
  • Cannot connect to artifact server.
  • Stop server before downloading.