Information Flow

  • Step 1, 2, 3, and 4 are done synchronously, so are not executed concurrently / in parallel.

  • The dashed lines indicate passing data to tasks in a different category. This may take the form of:

    • async function call:

      When a new instance of the task may be spawned each time.

      pub struct Web(pub Credentials);
      impl Web {
          pub async fn retrieve_info(&self, _: &Record) -> PropertyInfo { .. }
      // Invoked like so:
    • Channel Send/Receive:

      When it is not possible to spawn multiple instances of the task, we use a long-lived task with a channel to receive data.

      pub struct Reporter {
          pub progress_receiver: Receiver<ProgressUpdate>,
          pub report: Report,
          progress_overall: ProgressBar,
      impl Reporter {
          pub async fn update(&mut self) {
              // When receiving a progress update from the channel.
              while let Some(process_result) = self.progress_receiver.recv().await {
                  match process_result {
                      PropertyInfoResult::Success => {
     += 1;
                      // ..
      // Cannot do this per record because of `&mut self`:
      // Have to do this instead: