
The quality product can be implemented synchronously.

Quality Product
0. Handle interruptions.
1. Read credentials.
2. Stream property title records.
3. Read output file for processed records.
4. Start progress bar.
For each record:
5. Rate limit requests -- don't overload server.
6. Authenticate with server if necessary.
7. Retrieve information.
8. Augment record.
9. Output record to file.
10. Update progress bar.
When interrupted, or done:
11. Output execution report.

In code (source):

fn main() {
    // ..
    let interrupt_rx =         t00_setup_interrupt_handler();
    let credentials =          t01_read_credentials();
    let records =              t02_stream_property_title_records(record_count);
    let records_precompleted = t03_read_output_file(skip);

    t04_start_progress_bar(&mut reporter);

    let _result = records
        // ..
        .map(|(n, record)| {
            t06_authenticate_with_server(n == 0, credentials, delay_auth);
            t07_retrieve_information(n, record, delay_retrieve);
            t08_augment_record(record, info)
        .try_for_each(|property_record_populated| {
            t10_update_progress_bar(&mut reporter);



git clone
cd cli_async
git worktree add ./sync sync
cd sync
cargo build --release
time ./target/release/cli_async -c 100 --delay-rate-limit 0 --delay-retrieve 1